Sovereign Priestess Activation

A 6-month journey that activates an irreversible awakening through re-integrating your divine priestess lineage so that you can embody your full power and innate sovereignty, in every moment. You will rise, with absolute clarity, into your Divine Mission for this lifetime.

Begin the Application Process

To begin the application process, join the waitlist for first access to register for the next live group mentorship in 2024!

This is For You If…


  1. You sense your full divine power, but feel that deep rooted fears and limiting beliefs keep you from confidently and powerfully leading your divine mission.

  2. You are often left feeling uncertain about your path and your purpose.

  3. You have found yourself in states of beautiful, sovereign connected power, but then “crash” into doubt or uncertainty after some “negative” experience or limiting belief arises.

  4. You sense that your innate gifts and divine service are not fully expressed in the way that you intuitively know that they are meant to be offered, shared and embodied in this lifetime. (in other words…you are playing small and ARE ready to rise into your full potential)

  5. You are ready to embrace your wild creativity and innate divine feminine power so that you can unlock the keys to your divine mission.

  6. You are willing to stand in the storms of life with presence and power and tap into the reservoir of wisdom within you so that you no longer shy away from life BUT embrace every multidimensional layer of it.

  7. You feel that you disconnect from your Truth to try and “fit in” or “please others” even though you know it’s not your most authentic expression.

  8. You know that you are meant to serve in a much bigger, bolder way and that there are more gifts for you to integrate into this lifetime to fully embody your Divine purpose

  9. You are ready to radically heal and spiritually initiate yourself so that you can awaken the innate priestess wisdom within you and actualize your purpose and divine mission for this lifetime.

  10. You are ready to release any barriers you have to abundance and prosperity so that as you serve in highest alignment with the Divine, you receive an abundance of guidance, money, opportunities, joy, health and love.

  11. You are ready to connect, heal and learn alongside a group of powerful, divine priestesses. (Our community/environment profoundly impacts our lives. The divinely aligned community of women in the Sovereign Priestess Activation Mentorship can exponentially elevate your consciousness and potential!)

Divine Woman, I see you and feel you.

I’m here to tell you that you do not have to keep repeating patterns that do not support your highest ascension.

You can alchemize any shame, fear, guilt and doubt into sovereign power through Divine Love.

There is a more abundant, fulfilling and powerful way to live.

Even after claiming my divine purpose and remembering why I am here, I was still living with doubt, fear, and uncertainty. Still playing it small.

That is when I started listening to the ancient codes of wisdom within my soul, third eye, heart and sacral temples. From those spaces the Divine Feminine Masters spoke, healed and guided me into my sovereign Truth.

They are here to work with you now.

It is time to awaken into your Divine Gifts, Priestess Power & Divine Mission!

After this 6 month mentorship you will…

  • Have clear communication with your womb/sacral chakra which will guide you into an embodied sense of your power, in each moment, and ground you into your ability connect with God/the Divine/Source through the power of your womb and therefore create a life of true Divine Service and High Spiritual Alignment.

  • Have an intimate connection to your sacred sexual energy so that you are connected to your source point potential and know how to utilize this energy for creative expression, sacred physical connection to the human experience, and understand that a healthy relationship with your sexual energy is a sacred aspect of self-realization.

  • Activate your intuitive abilities to access your akashic records so that you can integrate your past life gifts and re-ignite the remembrance of your divine priestess lineage.

  • Embody the Divine Priestess Codes within your DNA (lineage) through studying with the Divine Feminine Masters Isis, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Sehkmet and Hathor of Ancient Mystery School teachings.

  • Heal any unhealthy relationship with the divine masculine through studying with the Divine Masculine Masters Jesus and Osiris so that you can harmonize the masculine and feminine energies. In order for the feminine to flourish, the masculine needs to be healed, harmonized and accepted.

  • Know how to guide yourself (or others) into the sacred psychic temples within the chakra centers for deep connection to your Sovereign Power and complete contentment with Self

  • Activate your divine creativity to curate intentional, sacred, and powerful ceremonies to access infinite healing potential, hold divine space, and create containers for the alchemy of massive transformation

  • Develop your professional and personal psychic, healing and ceremonial abilities so that you can truly serve the spiritual needs of your community and support yourself through times of initiation.

Live Coaching Journey

4 x 90 minute Womb Activation, Yoni Empowerment & Sexual Energy Alignment Sessions

Claim the sacred connection to the wisdom of your yoni and sexual energy for full activation of your power, self-worth, ability to create magic and manifest your dreams/visions/desires through pleasure and joy. You will access a whole new level of trust in God through releasing fear and healing the root and womb. From this center you will learn how to release shame and guilt so that you can learn to access your full sovereign power.

4 x 90 minute Heart Harmony with Divine Feminine Ascended Masters Sessions

Study with the Divine Feminine Masters Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Hathor, Lakshmi and Sekhmet to activate a sacred connection to your Heart Chakra Temple, Authentic Self, Divinity and Profound healing. Learn the art of weaving your will with the will of God and how to manifest through the art of embodiment and living The Way of the Feminine.

4 x 90 minute Throat Activation with Divine Masculine Ascended Master Teacher Sessions

Harmonize Your Divine Feminine essence with the Divine Masculine through studying with the Masters Jesus and Osiris. Claim your confidence and articulate with clarity. You will learn how to take up space, to express and be seen through letting go of self-limiting beliefs, judgments and fears. Unleash your full, Authentic expression and activate the power of your word magick to attract a life of true alignment.

4 x 90 minute Third Eye Activation through developing intuition, unlocking codes to Divine Purpose & integrating past life gifts sessions

Ceremonial experiences to reintegrate your innate intuitive abilities to access your akashic records, reclaim your past life gifts and activate the sacred codes in your DNA to unleash your full power and step into your Divine Purpose with clarity, purpose and courage.

4 x 90 Rise Up into Divine Service Sessions

Learn how to use your gifts for Divine Service to support the true anchoring of Divine Light upon the earth. You will be supported to discover how you are meant to serve and who you are to serve through your unique gifts, interests and levels of initiations/experiences in this life so that you are truly serving from a place of Authentic Alignment and creating true transformation to your community.

4 x 90 minute Temple Initiation Sessions for Embodied Priestess Activation

Remembrance of your priestess lineage and the art of sacred ritual. You will journey through your 7 chakra temples for your final initiations into your Divine Sovereign Power to awaken confidence, trust and clarity on your path forward on your Divine Mission.

You’ll Also Receive…

  1. Priestess Activation for Divine Alignment Module- An intro module which includes Ascended Master Connection Journeys, Crystal Healing Wisdom, Rune Divination Lecture, Empowering Guided Invocations, Holy Fire III Reiki Healing experiences and more!

  2. Solar Plexus Ignition Module- An entire module dedicated to activating your power, confidence and passion so that you can feel authentically fueled to step forward into your divine mission!

  3. BONUS Ceremony Module- Access to three bonus ceremonies a cacao ceremony, soul-gift retrieval ceremony and heart activation ceremony!

  4. Over 24 downloadable PDF guides!

  5. Over 40 healing and guidance videos to support your integration and highest activation while in this program

  6. Lifetime access to the online program where ALL your content is organized

  7. All LIVE sessions are recorded, uploaded to the online program and downloadable for your forever access.

  8. 30 minutes of additional private connection with me each week!

“ Everything that Ashley provides, offers, creates, and generates is filled with her whole embodiment of woman ”

“Ashley has without a doubt been one of the biggest influences and spiritual teachers on my journey, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that. Everything we work on together- whether it be this Authentic & Empowered Woman Program, or Holy Fire Reiki sessions or trainings, she always comes with such a sense of grounded self and genuine connection to Spirit that inspires me.

Her wisdom is always gentle but energizing, and working with her has expanded my own intuitive capabilities as well as my own self development. I feel that I finally have both feet on the ground and a solid path forward to walk, and that is because of the way she awakens that little piece of God within everyone she works with. For the first time in possibly ever, I’m not afraid to claim who I am and what I want, and embrace the way I can radiate that out to others. Sincerely, I already cannot wait for her next program” - Liz C

Fair warning of the immense healing and expansion initiated as soon as Ashley and her Program intuitively came into my life. Get Ready. The places this program has pushed me to get uncomfortable are divinely aligned with my purpose. Through this program I remembered my purpose on this planet and gained the confidence to step into living it. Ashley lovingly holds you accountable for walking the path you wish to walk, while sharing with you all the support and tools necessary to walk as far as she has walked- to her Authentic Self.

Her souls purest essence and messages direct from spirit shared in this program have the strength to radically take you on the journey to your Authentic Self. I will be reflecting on conversations had within this space infinitely. The soul wisdom I know will be carried with me, deeply imprinted by Ashley and the group who was called here to share it. Just as we all are here to serve our purpose, Ashley authentically shares with us hers. The purest medicine for the whole planet.” - Jade O

This Program offered by Ashley Seymour is a truly amazing and unforgettable experience. The amount of growth I experienced was remarkable. Before the program, I felt disjointed as if I had a million pieces of who I was, wanted to be, and how I connected to my intuition and to Spirit;

the program helped me put the puzzle together and gave me the tools to embody my authentic self. The program reminded me there are safe spaces to connect with community and feel held. Ashley provide so much of her time for support to aid in the growth/expansion of each individual. I can't express the gratitude I have for Ashley and the program, do yourself a favor and join!” - Stephanie A

After moving through this journey I have come to know that this is who I am and I feel like I’m much more grounded in the trust I have in myself and in God. Theres no way I can fail. I’m really grateful for Ashley’s mentorship and friendship and support and I’m really grateful that she was able to see something in me before I was even able to see for myself.

I’ve reflected over the last year and I’ve looked back at some of my journaling and some of my video journaling and I was so clouded by fear and anxiety and misery and I couldn’t even see or look forward to tomorrow. So I’m grateful Ashley saw a better something for me before I could even see a better vision for myself. This is going to have a ripple effect on the people I end up working with. - Marisol G

From this whole experience, I’ve been feeling really good. I am excited to move forward in my life and to have these sort of allies that feel really important whether they are ascended masters or the allies that are within my different chakras in terms of my relationship with them. I feel really excited to see what I can do moving forward having these resources and having these different connections to my intuition and myself, my spirituality and higher consciousness because I feel like Ashley has given a lot of different highways and avenues to create more in my life and to represent myself truly.”

Throughout knowing Ashley and this whole year has had so much to do with discovering what are my tools for accessing the guidance I am looking for. Something huge that I have worked on with Ashley is that I don’t have to have all the answers and I’m not the brains behind the operation, which is actually really comforting. I know I can clear my energy and connect to my own energy and the energy around which has taught me to be present, to show up and be able to have this space for listening. I feel like I have and am cultivating this deeper connection to my inner voice. I’m better at discerning and allowing the water of my intuition to flow forward and the light to flow through me and becoming this channel for Beingness" - Laureal

Why Work with Me?

  • I have over 8 years of experience guiding and teaching woman to awaken their power and remember their highest purpose through yoga, reiki and mentorships. These practices I use to support one in awakening their true power stem from my deep rooted belief that the wisdom in within you, just waiting to unlock. Everything I guide you through is to stir this remembrance from within so that you are truly anchored in your sovereignty and power as you evolve into the clarity of your divine mission for this life.

  • I will not sugarcoat the challenges of life. Rather, I guide you into your joy, alignment, sovereignty and purpose through embracing both the light and the dark. My practices empower you to actually harmonize the opposites in order to truly sit at the thrown of you Inner Priestess and power.

  • My process for supporting you is guided by my intuitive connection to Spirit through the unconditionally loving Sophia-Christ consciousness. I can therefore not only channel wisdom, guidance, insight and clear direction for your life journey but also hold the space for powerful transformation and radical healing.

  • My process for supporting you is also founded upon the years of intimate experience with my own journey of empowerment and sovereignty. I have not only awakened into my own power, innate gifts and purpose for this life but have supported 100s of woman through the same process.

  • I embrace the art of embodied intuitive readings in which I receive transforming guidance and healing that is both felt within the Spiritual Realm but integrated on the physical so that you can learn to emanate the Truth of who you are in this Divine Human Experience. In this way, the teaching, healings and transformational journeys we work on together will feel Spiritually Activating but fully integrated in the now moment which cultivates a deep sense of Power and Sovereignty.

  • I empower YOU to step into your own inner authority as the guide of your life. You will feel empowered to acquire the healing tools, techniques, and strategy to truly step into your divine mission and navigate the darkness and light of life.

  • Working together means accelerating your trust in Self. Facing your limiting beliefs, stories and illusions STRAIGHT ON and telling the truth about them! Your Divine Sovereign Power will be so activated that all that is illusion will crumble. The doubts, fears and limitations cannot withstand in the presence of your Power. It’s always been in your power to choose. It is just time to reclaim your sacred voice and purpose now.

About | Ashley Seymour

Shortly after I began my personal yoga practice, I knew I wanted to share and hold space for others to unfold in their own personal transformation. Since this first spark of passion, I have been on a beautiful and empowering journey of claiming my Divine Gifts, Power and Authentic Self which has led to transforming the lives of many through guiding them into their own epic journey of empowerment. Before I knew who I was, I was a teenager doing the “right thing” and enrolled in college. I moved to Brooklyn, New York and went to Long Island University to receive my Doctorates in Pharmaceuticals!

Thankfully, that did not work out (spirit literally kicked me out, making all solutions impossible). I came back home to Massachusetts and enrolled in Worcester State to graduate with a Bachelors in Biology and Minor in Chemistry. Half way through college I “woke up” and knew that my path was in the healing arts, but not through science, through spirituality.

I have trained with Frog Lotus Yoga School (2015) and School Yoga Institute (2018) to receive my 500 hour yoga teacher training. I have also trained under the Usui Light Reiki System of healing and currently work with Holy Fire III Reiki as a Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master (2019). My studies in both yoga and reiki unlocked my remembrance of my Gifts and how I am meant to utilize those gifts to serve in this lifetime.

My passion for energy healing expanded after my first trip to Peru in 2018 for my 300 hour yoga teacher training. This was the first time I traveled out of the country (by myself) and landed in the sacred mountains of the Andes immersed in a beautiful community of yogis for 1 powerful month of radical healing and massive transformation.

I have never been the same. I claimed my vision and dreams and started teaching yoga teacher trainings for School Yoga Institute that year and went back multiple times, each time discovering more of who I am and truly claiming my worth and power.

While in Peru I discovered a deeper connection to my ancestors, to ceremony, to communication with my Guides and my intuitive abilities. My offerings have taken a gradual shift from in-person private offerings to transforming online programs. This shift was initiated after my 1st daughter was born and I understood the value of my time and energy. I did not want travel to peoples’ homes or drive from studio to studio.

Through deep meditation, intuitive guidance and understanding my purpose I lasered in to how I am meant to serve and who I am meant to serve and have since created many programs that guide individuals into embracing their Authentic Self, Innate Power, Divine Gifts and Sovereignty.