The Authentic & Empowered Woman

Guidance & Healing Program

A 6-month journey to free yourself from feeling disempowered by a life that is not in Divine Alignment with your Authentic Self.

You will learn how to awaken your soul’s inner guiding wisdom so that you are crystal clear on your path and purpose and live a life of fulfillment, abundance and joy.

Spirit Ocean Healing

Guiding women into the Power of their Authentic Soul-Gifts, Priestess Lineage and divinely aligned Sovereign Leadership

Welcome, my name is Ashley Seymour. I am a Holy Fire III Reiki Master, Ceremonialist and channel for Sophia-Christ Consciousness for the awakening of the Divine Feminine

You can’t articulate Ashley’s essence or transmission. Her prayers are placed in heavens ears and she is able to: hold. see. listen. be. lean. confront. All with an intention tied to grace and honor for herself. for you. for all. If you want a mentor who has your back. She is right here
— Simcha Guttenplan

Awaken into your Divine Potential

You chose to come to earth at this specific time to offer your unique gifts in order to support the awakening of Divine Consciousness upon the earth. This journey starts with you. Your healing is truly the healing of all. Through this program you will reclaim your purpose through coming into true alignment with you Authentic Self. Through Authentic Alignment you can live a life of fulfillment, joy and passion as you embrace who you truly are, in each moment, while serving through your unique gifts for the highest good of all.

Divine Woman

  1. Are you struggling with turning away from your authentic desires, interests, passions and purpose for fear that you will not actually be supported, nurtured and provided for if you listen to the calling of your heart?

  2. Do you tend to put your needs, dreams and desires to the side and therefore sacrifice your healthy balance of energy, resources and joy for the sake of others?

  3. Do you fear you will never get out of your unhealthy negative and destructive thought patterns and situations and always have to settle for a job, relationship and life that is not in your highest joy?

  4. Do you believe that you must constantly work hard and struggle in order to get a fraction of what you want and desire?

  5. Do you deeply desire to align with your souls innate wisdom so that you can truly feel aligned with your life’s purpose and live in a life of deep fulfillment, peace and trust?

  6. Are you ready to step out of the cycles of doubt and disempowerment and anchor into your innate confidence, power and authentic self?

The Time is NOW!

These cycles of disempowerment can end and your life of fulfillment and alignment with your purpose does not need to be a struggle to reach.

You can have the tools and the support to change your life to be in divine alignment with your gifts and purpose. You can end the confusion, uncertainty and feeling of helplessness so that you can step into your power and be fulfilled in all areas of your life.

You don’t need to sacrifice yourself any longer. It is time to flip the script of what you believe is possible.

I understand, because I’ve been there…

I see you dear sister, because I have been there. I had lived a life of devaluing my worth and choosing to perpetually sacrifice my authentic self through “people-pleasing”.

I almost turned away from my true purpose and gifts because of my own doubt and disempowerment and for fear of losing everything I had at that time, a home, a relationship and a community.

But I sat deep with the wisdom of my soul and chose to honor my true souls-calling and purpose. And when I decided to step into my gifts, purpose and divine service, a divine flow of blessings and abundance followed.

It is now time to truly step into your power, soul purpose, and live a life of true fulfillment!

It can seem scary and overwhelming to change your life but when you truly honor your heart and soul, you will be supported, guided and provided for.

It is inevitable that you will be supported in your Divine mission. You just need to know how to discern what is the path of true alignment so that you can feel deeply empowered to walk forward on your sacred journey

Ashley is so encouraging and nurturing, and she has such a deep wealth of knowledge. Her presence in itself is inspiring, and I feel that through her in-depth explanations and application practices, I am now equipped with a spiritual tool-belt that I can use it at any time! I am so grateful for being part of this program, and for all that will manifest on my journey to come!
— Jenna Riccio Liable

I Invite You to Envision Having…

  • Confidence in yourself and walking through life with a deep sense of purpose

  • Freedom in how you express yourself in your relationships, work and community

  • A deep sense of belonging and an authentic connection to your heart’s wisdom, inner authority and abundant self-worth

  • The healing abilities and intuitive power to become your own healer so that you can guide yourself back into alignment with your purpose and divine desire

  • A deep relationship with God/Spirit/Source and a secured presence of Trust in the Divine so that you never feel alone or weighted with doubt, confusion or helplessness.

With the Completion of The Authentic & Empowered Woman you will….

  1. Awaken your soul’s innate wisdom and discover the keys to unlock clarity around your life’s purpose, divine mission and soul-gifts so that you feel deeply fulfilled and serving from a place of alignment with your Authentic Self. 

  2. Rest in your Divine power and no longer drain yourself with inauthentic actions and people pleasing that stemmed from low self-esteem and self-worth. 

  3. Stop questioning your purpose, doubting your gifts, and having self-limiting beliefs  

  4. Learn how to alchemize the limitations of the mind, your shadows, traumas, cords of disempowerment and contracts so that you can live an inspired, creative, playful, present and deeply fulfilling life.

  5. Become your own healer so that you can guide yourself into divine alignment BEFORE straying too far from your authentic self

  6. Learn to truly live the HEART WAY and activate an ability to surrender into the power of the Feminine

  7. Effortlessly reside in the embodiment of deep gratitude and therefore live in divine abundance with ease and grace

  8. Reclaim your purpose through coming into true alignment with your Authentic Self. Through that alignment, your outer world will change to match your higher state of divine consciousness and you will inevitably be guided to discover your gifts and purpose for incarnating at this time on earth.

the Transformation

You will leave this program with the direct experience of what it feels to be aligned with your Authentic Self. Through that alignment, your outer world will begin to shift to match your state of consciousness and you will be guided to discover your gifts and purpose for incarnating at this time on earth.

Through this program I was able to gain the confidence and respect for myself that allowed me to be the person I know I am. There is absolutely nothing more reassuring than living aligned with your dharma, calling, true self and Spirit.
— Arwen Smoot

Module #1 Enter the Sacred Circle

Discover a deep connection with your soul-mission and Authentic Self through self-discovery, spiritual initiations and healing experiences so that you can enter this journey feeling soulfully nourished and spiritually activated.

Module #2 Harmonize your Life

Dissolve all that no longer serves you in your life so that you can create the space to welcome in a life of empowerment, alignment and joy. You will be given the tools to come into harmony with what you truly desire and create a life that is in true alignment with your authentic self.

Module #3 Sacred Space & The Power of Ceremony

Transform your life through creating sacred ceremonial space in your home and the inner landscape of your mind, body and spirit. You will be given many ceremonial guides and experiences to steep in the magic of ceremony to initiate you into higher alignment in all areas of your life.

Module #4 Chakra Wisdom & Healing

Thoroughly study the 7 major chakras in the body and develop a deep understanding on how to heal, harmonize and strengthen your chakras centers so that you can come into a place of deep peace, empowerment and spiritual strength. The chakras are the portal to the Divine and developing a relationship to your energy body will inevitably develop your relationship to God/Source/Creator so that you can rest in a deep presence of trust, faith and joy as you navigate your life’s mission and purpose.

Module #5 Crystal Healing & Wisdom

Learn how to heal your physical body and energy working with crystals. This in-depth module will empower you to work with crystals daily and to experience how potent the magic of crystals are in your life as they support in powerful energy healing and manifestation ceremonies.

Module #6 Divine Wombyn Power

Learn how to reclaim your Divine Feminine power and effortlessly align with the frequency of abundance so that you feel divinely supported and empowered to step up into your Divine mission with grace, confidence and divine trust.

Module #7 Intuitive Devlopment

Learn how to develop your intuition so that you can trust your inner-voice and discern between truth and illusions so that you are truly guided by Divine Support and your Higher Self, instead of being misguided by fear, doubt, limiting beliefs or your shadows.

Module #8 Break Free from Limiting Beliefs

Free yourself from the shackles of your mind and reclaim your power from any limitation so that you can live in alignment with who you really are and what you divinely desire.

Module #9 Living the Heart Way

Access the powerful wisdom of your heart and surrender to her guiding force. Your heart will open to unlock an authentic relationship with the Divine Feminine. You will hear, feel and know your true path forward and receive, with divine grace, the abundance, inspiration and wisdom to step forward into your divine mission and path.

Module #10 Unleash your Gifts & Purpose

Claim your soul-gifts, divine mission and a life of Authentic Alignment through unleashing your innate power and authentic Self! You will be guided to take divinely guided action into a life that is in absolute alignment with your mission for this life. Get ready for massive transformation in your life!

Entire Program Includes:

51+ Guidance Videos, 28+ healing meditations and visualization journeys, 100+ pages of downloadable PDF Guides, and 2 years access to digital content!

Divine Bonuses

Bonus #1 Cacao Ceremony

Cacao ceremony for heart healing and divine alignment with your visions and dreams. This ceremony will ground you into the power of your heart.

Bonus #2 Chakra Temple Initiation

Heart opening initiation and healing experience with the Divine Feminine Ascended Masters Mother Mary and Isis.

Bonus #3 Soul Gift Retrieval

Journey with Mary Magdalene & Isis through a temple initiation to access the wisdom of you soul and reclaim your innate gifts

How it Works

36 X 30 Min. LIVE Energy Alignment Healing Sessions

Receive deeply healing experiences each week, for 9 months, so that you can move through any blockages while you are on this journey of aligning with your authentic self and divine purpose.

36 X 30 Min LIVE Group Q&A Sessions

Receive weekly live group chats for 9 months where your questions will be answered, and you can receive live support.

Access to Private Authentic & Empowered Facebook Group for 9 months

In this sacred community space you will be able to connect with other sisters on this journey of authenticity and empowerment, receive support for your journey through the program, and can watch replays of the energy alignment healing session & group Q&A’s

Client Testimonials

“Ashley has without a doubt been one of the biggest influences and spiritual teachers on my journey, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that. Everything we work on together- whether it be this Authentic & Empowered Woman Program, or Holy Fire Reiki sessions or trainings, she always comes with such a sense of grounded self and genuine connection to Spirit that inspires me.

Her wisdom is always gentle but energizing, and working with her has expanded my own intuitive capabilities as well as my own self development. I feel that I finally have both feet on the ground and a solid path forward to walk, and that is because of the way she awakens that little piece of God within everyone she works with. For the first time in possibly ever, I’m not afraid to claim who I am and what I want, and embrace the way I can radiate that out to others. Sincerely, I already cannot wait for her next program”

- Liz Carlin

“Fair warning of the immense healing and expansion initiated as soon as Ashley and her Authentic & Empowered woman Program intuitively came into my life. Get Ready. The places this program has pushed me to get uncomfortable are divinely aligned with my purpose. Through this program I remembered my purpose on this planet and gained the confidence to step into living it.

Ashley lovingly holds you accountable for walking the path you wish to walk, while sharing with you all the support and tools necessary to walk as far as she has walked- to her Authentic Self. Her souls purest essence and messages direct from spirit shared in this program have the strength to radically take you on the journey to your Authentic Self. I will be reflecting on conversations had within this space infinitely. The soul wisdom I know will be carried with me, deeply imprinted by Ashley and the group who was called here to share it. Just as we all are here to serve our purpose, Ashley authentically shares with us hers. The purest medicine for the whole planet.”

- Jade Ochoa

The Authentic & Empowered Woman Program offered by Ashley Seymour is a truly amazing and unforgettable experience. The amount of growth I experienced was remarkable. Before the program felt disjointed as if I had a million pieces of who I was, wanted to be, and how I connected to my intuition and to Spirit;

the program helped me put the puzzle together and gave me the tools to embody my authentic self. The program reminded me there are safe spaces to connect with community and feel held. Ashley provide so much of her time for support to aid in the growth/expansion of each individual. I can't express the gratitude I have for Ashley and the program, do yourself a favor and join!”

- Stephanie Adeskavitz

To begin the application process for this intimitate and deeply transformation healing journey into your Power, Authentic Self, and Divine Purpose, click the button below to schedule your 30 minute connection call. You will receive an email with the zoom link for our call and an application to fill out. You will meet with me, Ashley. We will have the opportunity to get to know each other, go over the mentorship details, answer any questions and get you registered.

Why Work with me..

  1. My process for supporting you is guided by my intuitive connection to Spirit through the unconditionally loving Sophia-Christ consciousness energy within Holy Fire III Reiki. I can therefore not only channel wisdom, guidance, insight and clear direction for your life journey but also hold the space for powerful transformation and radical healing.

  2. My process for supporting you is also founded upon the years of intimate experience with my own journey of empowerment and sovereignty. I have not only awakened into my own power, innate gifts and purpose but have supported 100s of woman through the same process.

  3. I embrace the art of embodied intuitive readings in which I receive transforming guidance and healing that is both felt within the Spiritual Realm but integrated on the physical so that you can learn to emanate the Truth of who you are in this Divine Human Experience.

  4. In this way, the teaching, healings and transformational journeys we work on together will feel Spiritually Activating but fully integrated in the now moment which cultivates a deep sense of Power and Sovereignty.

  5. Working together means accelerating your trust in Self. Facing your limiting beliefs, stories and illusions STRAIGHT ON and telling the truth about them! Your Divine Sovereign Power will be so activated that all that is illusion will crumble. The doubts, fears and limitations cannot withstand in the presence of your Power. It’s always been in your power to choose. It is just time to reclaim your sacred voice and purpose now.

About Me

Shortly after I began my personal yoga practice, I knew I wanted to share and hold space for others to unfold in their own personal transformation. Since this first spark of passion, I have been on a beautiful and empowering journey of claiming my Divine Gifts, Power and Authentic Self which has led to transforming the lives of many through guiding them into their own epic journey of empowerment. Before I knew who I was, I was a teenager doing the “right thing” and enrolled in college. I moved to Brooklyn, New York and went to Long Island University to receive my Doctorates in Pharmaceuticals!

Thankfully, that did not work out (spirit literally kicked me out, making all solutions impossible). I came back home to Massachusetts and enrolled in Worcester State to graduate with a Bachelors in Biology and Minor in Chemistry. Half way through college I “woke up” and knew that my path was in the healing arts, but not through science, through spirituality.

I have trained with Frog Lotus Yoga School (2015) and School Yoga Institute (2018) to receive my 500 hour yoga teacher training. I have also trained under the Usui Light Reiki System of healing and currently work with Holy Fire III Reiki as a Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master (2019). My studies in both yoga and reiki unlocked my remembrance of my Gifts and how I am meant to utilize those gifts to serve in this lifetime.

My passion for energy healing expanded after my first trip to Peru in 2018 for my 300-hour yoga teacher training. I landed in the sacred mountains of the Andes immersed in a beautiful community of yogis for 1 powerful month of radical healing and massive transformation.

I have never been the same. I claimed my vision and dreams and started teaching yoga teacher trainings for School Yoga Institute that year and went back multiple times, each time discovering more of who I am and truly claiming my worth and power.

While in Peru I discovered a deeper connection to my ancestors, to ceremony, to communication with my Guides and my intuitive abilities. My offerings have taken a gradual shift from in-person private offerings to transforming online programs. This shift was initiated after my 1st daughter was born and I understood the value of my time and energy. I did not want travel to peoples’ homes or drive from studio to studio.

Through deep meditation, intuitive guidance and understanding my purpose I lasered in to how I am meant to serve and who I am meant to serve and have since created many programs that guide individuals into embracing their Authentic Self, Innate Power, Divine Gifts and Sovereignty.

Are you ready Divine One!?

I am so looking forward to meeting you