Healing Programs

Not sure which program is for you? schedule a free call

Schedule your free empowerment call that will align you with a program that will support your Highest Good. Just this 30-minute call will activate a deeper connection to your Power and Sovereignty. Let’s start your journey now.

A 6 month mentorship journey that activates an irreversible awakening through re-integrating your divine priestess lineage so that you can embody your full power and sovereignty in order to be a clear channel for your divine mission upon earth.

Free yourself from feeling disempowered by a life that is not in Divine Alignment with your Authentic Self & Awaken your soul’s inner guiding wisdom to become crystal clear on your path and purpose so that you can live a life of fulfillment, abundance and joy.

In this 10-week intensive group course you will develop your innate intuitive abilities for spiritual development and professional intuitive readings.

2 month 1:1 journey that guides you through your own chakra system for deep healing, spiritual growth, and alignment with who you really are.


Align with your Higher Self, Divine Gifts, Innate Intuitive Abilities and Purpose


Each program will support you in deep spiritual and physical healing as well as empower you to become your own healer.


Courageous and liberating journeys that awaken the Remembrance of your Divinity, Power and Sovereignty