Divine Feminine Rising Tea

from $7.00
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Embrace your creativity and power through womb nourishment, matriarchal healing, surrender and Divine emanation. This tea is a sacred reminder of your Divine Feminine Essence.


All organic blend of red raspberry leaf, damiana, jasmine flower, rose petals and buds, motherwort and stevia leaf

Red Raspberry Leaf - Womb Nourishment

Damiana - Sacred Connection to Sexual Energy and Creative Power. Opens Intuitive Channel. Commune with Divine Feminine and your Higher Self.

Jasmine Flower - Sacred Surrender

Rose - Divine Remembrance

Motherwort – Matriarchal Healing

Stevia leaf - a bit of sweetness

Suggested Use:

1 tsp per 8 oz of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes and then remove herb from water.

1x daily for spiritual connection, 3x daily for physical healing or whenever desired.

*store in a cool dry place and out of direct sunlight*