Sole Nourishment Foot Salve

from $18.00
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Daily sole nourishment with healing herbal oils helps boost your immunity, fight colds and flus, prevent infections, calm the nervous system and resolve skin conditions. Eucalyptus, Lavender and St. John’s Wort work together to reduce pain, support relaxation, deep sleep, and overall well-being.


All organic blend of lavender, eucalyptus & St. John’s wort infused olive oil, beeswax, coconut oil and trace amounts of preservative, potentizing alcohol

Eucalyptus - Antibacterial & Anti-fungal, Soothes dry skin & reduces pain, relieves, sore muscles through anti-inflammatory properties and promotes relaxation

Lavender - Anti bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Improves sleep, reduces stress, supports healing of nerve and join point

St. John’s Wort - Anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, wound healing, calms the nervous system, supports the healing of depression

Suggested Use:

Dedicate 5 minutes to your feet each day and experience the increase of vitality/life-force energy within your body!

*Store in a cool dry place and out of direct sunlight*